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Welcome to Clubwww1 Affiliate Program

As one of the leading "Content Service Providers" on the internet today, Clubwww1 introduces Vendors....businesses and companies with products, goods and services to sell world wide, to Customers....people who wish to buy products, goods and services via the internet.  Clubwww1 owns and operates over 1900 website domains and partners with over 14, 100 of the biggest and brightest brands in the world.

Clubwww1 is contracted by all companies displayed within its websites on an official basis and is legally allowed to use all logos' and copyright material as designed therein.

"We are at our best when we are surrounded by all we need to be nourished”


The little things in life make the difference, what is little to you may be huge to someone else. It is said that failure is habit forming but why do we fail when we set out fully prepared.  In any profession there are do's and dont's but when things are going wrong, do we stick to the same format or do we change little things. When we prospect for new business...what decides what we say and when we say it.  When we research a new business or a new focus in life what changes are we prepared to make and what determines what those changes are going to be.


The real steps are taken in the choices we make, which so often can depend on the money we have, the time we have, the people around us and even the faith we show in our own ability.

The Worldwide Web or as it is better known the Internet has changed the way we search and seek information.  Surfing the net is now probably the number one past time for many people.  The task, apart from the entertainment, games and the like, is to search for and review information.  From the information to prepare or make an informed choice, whether it is for educational purposes, personal circumstances or business activities.  The result of the process will affect or change a future motion or reaction. 

Clubwww1's Affiliation Program deals with the business end of the internet.  Having established a catalogue of products and a network of international copmpanies that wish to sell their goods, products and services over the internet, this program coordinates sales, distribution and marketing.  The program tracks and records all transactions 24/7 for all registered users.  For record purposes the program gives access to registered Affiliates to confirm all commissions earned and their due date of payment as well allowing for the tracking of commission earned by all levels of management. 


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